Finally this weekend I was able to get more project related work done. I recorded the voices for my animation on Saturday, and yesterday, I worked further on the character design. I'm still missing one page... the character size relations, but you'll soon see it up.

If you're wondering why Whiskie is looking now taller and with a more triangular face, it's because I deviated from the original design and I'm starting to enjoy the new look better (it has better proportions and looks more cartoony).

By the way, I'll just like to publicly thank my voice actors, Stephanie Augello and Harry Stark for some wonderful acting.
That's all for now,
Jose, I think your idea is very solid and the fishbowl environment is very strong with it's subtle comedic values. I would suggest, however, keeping the story confined primarily to the fish bowl, maybe placing the cat right next to the and only pulling out to show him batting the fish back in. I actually expected the final gag to be him dying of a stroke, and would suggest you crop the story to there. Otherwise, you're going to have a very hard time making the animation as smooth as you can with two minutes of animation.
I really like your character designs and I really like the overall story. But I agree with Kyle in that the cat isn't really an integral part of the story. He's just kind of there to pass time it seems. As much as I love the design of him, I feel like the cat should be apart of another story involving the fish. If you really wanted to use the cat, I'd suggest rewriting the script to have the focus be on the interactions between the cat and the fish. Aside from that, I think the story should stay in the fish bowl and focus on the three fish. It would free up quite a bit of time, which could then be allocated to animating the fish and the overall quality of the animation. Can't wait to see it finsihed! =)
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