Thursday, October 2, 2008

Tutorial 4. Walk Cycle

It's almost 4am, and I finally finished the Walk Cycle. Tonight was another of those violent Savannah nights, full of building alarms, speeding cars, non-stop police sirens, and all that jazz... Why do I say all these? Well, just so you know why Mr. Artpuke ended up with a gun in his hand.

The main idea for this cut-out character was taking pieces of the works of many famous artists (Dalí, Da Vinci, Picasso, Michelangelo, Lichtenstein, Goya and Van Gogh) and combining them together into this pseudo-rooster old man. How many pieces can you match with their owner? I ended up having this mess of a creature (Trust me, not even Mr. Artpuke was hapy about his looks).

For the blink, I just removed the eye, and put a tiny pencil for two frames. The animation was made at 15 fps (frames per second).

The reference video I used had very little swing on the right arm, as if he was carrying something, so I placed an object in his hand.

Enough said, here's "Mr. Artpuke Is Gone":

Any other question, I'll be happy to answer.

I'm off to bed, or I'll fall off the chair,

G'nite everybody!


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